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Infanta Maria
Oil on canvas. 110x90. 2009
Family Portrait

The portrait is done at a high professional level, with expressive composition the translates a special spirit of the traditional group portrait. Technique of execution allows to store the product for a long period of time.

Child Portrait

The genre has old tradition dating back to the great Renaissance period. The portrait may include hands, and at full height, and in the interior, and landscape. The peculiarity of this genre requires the similarity and beauty of execution.

Female portrait (front)

Female portrait requires high professional execution. Female's image as traditionally created by artists of all times requires a well-known elegance, lightness and great expressiveness. Requires great skill in the performance of the costume.

Portrait by photo

The artist holds photo-shoot in agreement with the customer. This does not exclude personal photos, which the customer presents to the artist, with this the amount of work and technique of execution are agreed.

Pictures on request

Pictures can be performed by the artist in any technique, in agreement with the customer. The painting can be both the interior decoration, and an integral part of a collection of paintings. (oil paintings, water-colors, pastels, black and white graphics). The stories can be: landscape, interior, still life, portrait.

Sale of paintings

Works of an Artist may be acquired in a completed form and executed under the order in different styles and techniques. The amount of works is agreed with the customer. Prices are agreed.

Wall painting

At the beginning of III millennium before the new era, Egyptian artists began to paint the walls of tombs. In Minoan art, on the island of Crete, for the first time the walls of the buildings started to have wall-paintings, dating from 1700 BC. In Roman homes of the I century BC, preserved in Pampei, Herculanium, Ostia, the wall paintings, implemented in wax colors prevails in the interior. The second birth, in Europe, of monumental painting of walls was achieved thanks to the genius of Giotto di Bondone. The outstanding master of wall painting of the Renaissance period - Fra Angelico, Mazachcho, Piero dela Francesca. UNnmatched heights in this technique was achieved by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo.
From the reign of Peter the Great in Russia the monumental wall painting is beginning to be used in Russia, with interior decoration.

Currently, wall painting is widely used in interior decoration, it creates a special charm, excites the imagination and surprising transfigures the interior. Today, wall paintings became very popular. By using wall painting there is huge possibility to create different effects, they can expand or extend space to dissolve unwanted protuberances or doors, turn the wall at the garden leading of into the prospect or the sea, increase the height of the ceiling. A variety of ornaments, paintings and genre scenes give the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of different countries, cultures and times. WAll painting can be both the interior decoration, and design of exterior facades and other architectural structures.


Painting on silk - this is a fascinating and beautiful art. Huge selection of different paints, dyes, pigments and other chemicals that make up the arsenal of art master of painting on fabric, and helps the artist to create most complex works in various styles and directions. Softness of silk, flowing paint - this type of decorative art is simply capturing. Painting on silk provides countless opportunities to create unique art fabrics which can be used as decorative, and functional products. Delightful scarf, decorative panels, elegant card - all of these creations will bring joy to their creator and those to whom he gives them. Techniques of batik execution are different.

Maria Andreeva

Born in 1973,
Graduate from PTHU of K.A.Savitski
MGAHI of V.I.Surikov
Member of the TSH of Russia, SH of Russia, MSH
Lives and works in Moscow


    Maria Andreeva graduated from Surikovsk Institute. She had to honor to learn from excellent teachers who have formed her as a creative person and a professional graphic artist. Boris Uspensky, Nikolai Voronkov, Anatoly Yakushin, strict and demanding teachers, brought her to the path of true art, genuine and pure. Her diploma, immediately drew attention. It is a series of lithographs on Russian life, folk festivals, the so-called glubinka, which has always fed Russian culture. Graphic series was a success during the presentation. Stylistically precise, without false impressions, complexity and snobbishness, graphic art of Maria Andreeva is the cause for optimism and faith.
    Colorful Russian character - a bear at the festival, is particularly well done. It is original and amusing. The entire series - is a hit on advertising, which so often pursues us on all channels of television and alienates its self with cheapness and stylish lies. Russian - is not a local notion, it is a deeply philosophical notion, the notion of great significance, this is the whole world. Therefore, Ivan Bunin was able to make one of his best creations, «dark alleys», in faraway France, and Sergei Rachmaninoff created one of his best concerts also outside the mother land. Stravinsky, Nabokov, Kandinsky, Brodsky, Shemyakin - they all, have not the local but the Great Russian something in their art, which thus becomes important and eternal.
    A series of still-life, successfully exhibited at the All-Russian Exhibition of 2001, confirmed the mature skill of the young artist and seemed to set the path for many years to come. During these two series, Maria Andreyeva was awarded the Governor's Award in the city of Penza, where she originates form. However, unsatisfied and in search - this is how the true artist lives. The new series is quite different. Tentatively it could be called «black trees on a white plane». It would seem that it is quite simple... All is minimized, no plot, no decorations and flirting. Black on white. However, each page - is the formula of feelings, hidden emotions of large internal tension. Pages are perfect and modern with no «glamour», they are modern because people of today are too much constrained in their feelings, they do not lisp, does not look for a cheap answer to its thoughts in art. Each page has drama, tension, and quiet rest.
    A sure sign of the depth of artistic work - it is when you are the viewer and judge, and are striving to come back again. These works attract over and over. Such way in art is hard, people do not get «hooked» on these straight away, but this is the path that has to be travelled and which eventually brings to the truth. Now M. Andreeva creates an interesting series of works called «Portrait - look of our contemporary man».
Particular attention should be paid to picturesque portraits of Maria Andreeva, among which the large proportion is taken by portraits of children. The exact specifications are combined with beautiful scenic solutions. Portraits of adults are based on the basis of the great Russian and European school of painting: literate structure, exact similarity and expressiveness.
Maria Andreeva professional works in the genre of monumental wall murals. Paintings of the interior, walls, fragments of a closed architecture are executed at a high level, in the tradition of great art and focus on specific artistic tasks based on the specifics of the object.
The experience and skill - is a guarantee of high quality of final works.
Maria Andreeva leads a successful teaching career - dealing with children and older people, but also prepares students for admission to art schools and institutes.
Maria is a permanent member of Russian and foreign exhibitions. Her works are in private collections.

Oleg Savostyuk,
People's Artist of Russia, Academician, Head of the Faculty of graphics of MGAHI of V.I. Surikov, professor.

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