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Explanatory note. Drawing.
Course volume – 102 hours.

    Drawing is the top discipline in the education of young artists. The basis of education is drawing from nature, providing a correct visual of a visible specific form in a real environment by the line, chiaroscuro, tone.
    Proceeding from this, teaching to draw under this program in the school of Oleg Savostyuk is aimed at the students, that do not have previous experience in drawing.
    Easiest to learn are the main concepts of the picture. «Planar» classes give students the basic skills of drawing, through simple examples are acquainted with the principle of continuous principle of study work from the general to private, from private to general, followed by a synthesis of both.
The transition from «planar» drawing to the depiction of image, is implemented gradually.
    Tasks are set at the complexity that takes into account the age of the child. In addition to work in the class, students perform mandatory homework: sketch of home life, favorite pets, sketches, landscapes.


Approximate theme schedule

Third grade

1. Introduction. Drawing materials. Introduction to the outline of household items. 1 hour
2. Illustration of literary works in pencil. 5 hours
3. Working with ink. Animal silhouettes. 5 hours
4. Working in ink. Landscape. 5 hours
5. Introduction to the cutout. The general outline of objects. 2 hours
6. Construction of maple leaf. 2 hours
7. Introduction to dimensional solution. Landscape. Pencil. 4 hours
8. Figure household items with ornament. Pencil. 5 hours
9. Linear pattern of household items. Pencil. 5 hours

Total hours: 34 hours

Fourth class

Fourth grade

1. Line drawing. Drawing life: 1 item and an apple. Pencil. 4 hours
2. Exercise at hatching. The correct position of the hand. 2 hours
3. Life drawing 1 object (a large jug, pot, bucket, water-can). Line drawing with light chiaroscuro. 4 hours
4. Introduction to the horizon line, plane of the table. Construction of the circle, geometric objects. 4 hours
5. Cylinder figure. Construction: base, height, symmetry. 4 hours
6. Drawing circles, construction in different angles. 2 hours
7. Construction of 1 domestic item and hatching of the shadows. 4 hours
8. Outline of stuffed birds. 2 hours
9. Figure of dry branches of trees or tree roots. 4 hours
10. Outline of plants. 2 hours
11. Black and white picture of stuffed birds. 10 hour
12. Drawing still life of two items and fruit. 10 hours
13. Drawing drapes with the light black and white technique. 6 hours
14. Drawing still life of 3 items. Black and white drawing. 10 hours

Total hours: 68 hours

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