савостюк олег михайлович школа живописи обучение рисунок живопись графика москва научиться рисовать живописная московская школа продажа картин продаются картины акварель акварели гуашь акрил темпера масло композиция декоративно-прикладное искусство история искусства лепка цветоведение перспектива продажа картин продаются картины живопись графика станковая графика карандашный рисунок пастель тушь офорт линогравюра гравюра литография плакат акварель ретушь монотипия сангина сепия ксилография оттиск акватинта соус шелк батик уголь шелкография сухая игла резьба гравировка скульптура монументальное искусство декоративно-прикладное искусство народные промыслы керамика миниатюрная живопись эмаль роспись фарфор бисквит фаянс цветное стекло хрусталь глина глазурь акварели портреты на заказ с фото фотографии фотография частное домашнее любительское эротическое фото роспись стены фреска фрески заказать акварельный портрет обучение живописи батику лепке рисованию маленьких детей взрослых с нуля рисование анатомия ню обнаженная модель эротический рисунок углем обнаженной модели гипсовые головы слепки натюрморты пейзажи станковые жанровые композиции живописная детская школа для взрослых москва работы художников изобразительное искусство художники россии оформление дизайн интерьеров купить


Approximate theme schedule

Course volume – 272 hours
2 years

Painting, is a means of expressing feelings and artistic idea of the final composition, development of own individual perception of the world.

1. Introductory talk about the composition. Distribution of the simplest figures in the plane (circle, square, rectangle, etc.), the plastic interaction between each other. Study of the law of Equilibrium: «Symmetry» - «Asymmetry».
Note: it is possible to take any silhouette of geometric figure cut from cardboard or paper and make several versions of the position of the silhouette in space of the sheet. The main task will be the definition of the proportional relationship between space and silhouette, the size of the figures - space.
Solution in color or tone.
Paper, gouache, watercolor. ½ size sheet.
4 hours

2. Composition of more complex silhouettes on a sheet of paper (the figure of man, tree, building, etc.). «Contrast, «Nuance». Black-and-white solution.
Paper, gouache, ink. ½ size sheet.
4 hours

3. Composition of two or three items, describing notions such as «wind», «silence», «happiness», etc. Color, plastic solution.
Exercise at the identification plastic motive.
Paper, watercolor, wax crayons. ½ size sheet.
8 hours

4. Exercise for the development of artistic vision with the use of balance, contrast.
The composition of two or three figures in an interior or exterior.
Work on the composition must include sketches and drawings from life, which develop active imagination, acuteness of vision, generalized solution of the typical characteristic, the selection of the main.
Small size sketch, the material according to design: uniform or colors solution in gouaches and watercolors.
12 hours

5. The notion of rhythm. The role of rhythm in the formation of the idea of the composition. The search for manifestations of rhythmic situations in life.
Visual rhythm, based on the sense of an image, introduces a pattern to the composition, contributes to clarity of expression of feelings and imagination.
Composition for a simple plot, at own discretion.
Shaped design and clarity of the plot action.
Attention to work plastic relation, rhythmic repetition and harmony of forms.
Paper, ink. Size ¼ sheet.
6 hours

6. The composition based on the manifestation of color rhythmic situations in nature. Sketch of the urban landscape with staffage.
The aim is to identify the color of rhythm in nature.
Paper, watercolor or gouache. Size ¼ sheet.
6 hours

7. Basis of building movement in the composition. Monitoring the movement in life, «static», «dynamic».
Based on observations, drawings from life and from memory conduct the composite sketch.
In work on the composition attention should be given to the construction of a general movement in the composition, the development of movement in time, the transition from one state to another.
The solution in color. The material at own discretion. ¼ sheet size.
12 hours

8. The notion of unity based on the collateral subordination and harmony.
The composition of one or two figures in an interior or exterior, built on simple a plot.
Attention should be drawn to the integrity of the composition, identification of the primary and secondary. Mental collateral subordination, color collateral subordination, the role of the magnitude and significance of pauses. The transfer of the state and building with color.
Solution in color. Material at own discretion. ¼ sheet size.
12 hours

9. Light as a means of identifying the main point in the composition. Construction of a light-shadow composition (example of genre scenes in the interior).
Modern topic. The concept of light and shade, and its laws.
Identification of semantic point with light.
Solution in color. Material gouache or watercolor.
¼ sheet size.
12 hours

10. Composition for the given and free topic with the use of different formats (rectangular, square, circle, oval, etc.).
The material and color solution and the format are selected by the students.
12 hours

11. Poster on the assigned topic (the final task).
Using all the knowledge acquired in the composition ( «balance», «symmetry», and «asymmetry», «contrast», «shade», etc.).
Paper, gouache, color. Format 70x60
24 hours

12. Copy fragments from works by Russian and foreign masters of fine art.
The student individually choose the painting, size and material for the exercise.
12 hours

13. Copying a Russian icon, its best copies. Study of priming mixture of alabaster and chalk. Priming mixture of alabaster and chalk, watercolor and tempera. No size limit.
12 hour

Classes are accompanied by best paintings of students and masters of art.
Homework of students is performed individually, during free time.

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